Goldarm, Pen and Dore Gold Projects - Ontario, Canada
The Goldarm Property is a highly prospective land package east of the Timmins Gold Camp and is surrounded by multiple current and historic gold mines and significant infrastructure. This consolidated land package is comprised of the Montclerg Gold Project, the WWCC Property and the Aljo Mine Project. In addition, the Company staked more than a 6,500-hectare land package that is adjacent to both the WWCC Property and Aljo Mine Claims. The WWCC Property is currently under option whereby GFG has the right to earn 100%.
The Pen Gold Project is located 50 km southwest of the prolific gold district and town of Timmins, ON. The property represents a land package of approximately 475 square kilometres and is situated between Newmont’s Borden Gold project and Pan American Silver’s West Timmins Mine. The property consists of a 40-kilometer-long section of Archean greenstone that contains the interpreted western extension of the Porcupine-Destor Fault Zone within the same geological setting that hosts most of the gold deposits found in the Timmins Gold Camp.
The Dore Gold Project is located 40 km east of Newmont’s Borden Gold Mine and 30 km northwest of IAMGOLD’s Cote Lake gold project in Ontario. The Dore Gold Project land package is approximately 205 square km and covers a 12-kilometre-long section of Archean greenstone within the Swayze Greenstone Belt.
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